Breastfeeding is NORMAL! But that doesn't mean it's easy...
One of the first choices parents make for their babies’ health is what to feed them.
Babies were born to be breastfed and breast milk is normal. It benefits baby with perfectly designed nutrition, provides immune system support, and bonding opportunities. Breastfeeding parents benefit as well with decreased risks for some cancers, diabetes, and high blood pressure. And lastly it benefits all of us and planet Earth because it requires no manufacturing, no transportation, and no waste.
Breastmilk is the most perfect food for your child and has many qualities that cannot be reproduced in formula.
Breastfed babies are healthier and have fewer incidences of illness, immune cancers, infection, allergies and childhood obesity.
Breastfed children are smarter. Studies show children who were breastfed have I.Q. scores averaging 7 to 10 points higher than formula-fed infants.
Breastfeeding lowers your risk of breast, uterine, and ovarian cancer and osteoporosis.
Breastfeeding helps build a special bond between you and your baby, and helps your body lose weight.
Breastfeeding saves money. Formula can cost up to $1200 a year, plus increased doctor visits for sick children.
Breastfeeding is good for the environment.
You can tell if breastfeeding is going well in the newborn period if:
Your baby feeds 8-12 times in 24 hours.
Your baby sucks actively at least 10-20 minutes on the first breast and you hear swallowing.
Your baby ends a feeding and appears satisfied after a feeding.
Your baby has 6-8 wet diapers and at least 3 yellow bowel movements per day by day five.
Your milk is dripping from opposite breast when infant suckles.
Your breasts feel full before feeding and noticeably softer afterwards.
Contact your health care provider or a lactation consultant if you have any concerns or if:
You are considering stopping breastfeeding or giving formula because of problems with breastfeeding.
Your baby is very sleepy and does not wake to feed.
You have breast or nipple pain.
Your breasts are uncomfortably full and do not soften after feedings.